Customer service is the single biggest service we provide at Trustgreen and we’ve tried to make it as quick and easy as possible to access the answers to your questions.

If you can’t find what you are looking for below, please get in touch and a member of our team will be more than happy to help.

Please treat our team with respect – we are here to help you.


Frequently Asked Questions

Trustgreen are one of the UK’s market leaders in Open Space Management. We have been appointed by your housebuilder to look after the landscape environment on your development.

As part of the planning application that was submitted prior to the commencement of your development, your housebuilder worked closely with the local authority to ensure that you were provided with valuable amenity land to enjoy together with your new home. During this process Trustgreen were appointed as the management company responsible for providing this service.

You’ll find your TG reference number on the top of your introduction letter and invoice.

When you purchased your property, the sales team will have informed you of the Management Fee and that you would be responsible for paying.

The Annual Management Fee is based on the yearly costs required to maintain your development divided by the number of plots. A full breakdown of these costs is identified within our Fee Matrix detailing how the individual activities have been allocated.

Our Fee Matrix is based on the budget for the management and maintenance of the amenity land for the next 12 months, at the end of the first year we will be able to provide you with a set of abbreviated accounts confirming the monies spent.

The Annual Management Fee is linked to the RPI index meaning it may increase if required in line with inflation.

We will issue you with an invoice for your share of the management and maintenance costs when the Open Space is complete. You can pay this by either BACS (via your online banking facility), by cheque or by standing order. There is also the option to pay via direct debit, the details of which will be provided on your invoice.

Please remember to use your unique TG reference number, this can be found on the top of your introduction letter and invoice.

The maintenance work we are responsible for involves mowing/strimming grassed areas, shrub and tree pruning, litter picking carried out during each site visit and weed spraying (where necessary). We will also carry out an annual inspection of the key features within your development and these will form part of our annual health & safety report.

The areas of open space within your development that we are responsible for are identified on the site plan provided.

Click here to view our standard maintenance document.

Trustgreen carryout a comprehensive year-round service, based on 20 site visits per annum.

This can be done by sending an email to including the TG reference of the property it relates to.

This can be done by emailing with the TG reference and the details that need to be amended.

To set up a direct debit, the form that arrives with the letter and invoice needs to be completed and return it back to us. Additional direct debit forms can be requested via email or by phone.

Cancelling a direct debit can be done by sending an email to or alternatively by contacting your bank.

As an environmentally responsible company we will always strive to use non-glyphosate based weedkillers where possible. These are made of naturally occurring ingredients and are less-toxic to the wider environment.  We feel that this offers a conscientious solution to the management of unwanted vegetation.  However, residents should be aware that these products are initially not always as effective as the more toxic alternatives commonly used and therefore may require subsequent applications.

This year Trustgreen have taken the step to increase your Maintenance Fee by RPI due to the increased costs of running our various services. We have delayed increasing fees for as long as we can, as we were reluctant to apply an increase over the various difficult periods of Covid-19 and the Cost-of-Living Crisis, as this has been a difficult time for many households.

RPI is the government-approved way of measuring inflation and the Office of National Statistics are the ones that calculate and release the RPI rates. The fee will be increased by the same percentage that RPI has increased, from the Base Index Date to the current date of the review. This Base Index Date is found either on your TP1 Contract, or the date of the Fee Matrix relating to the Order Confirmation agreed with the developer of your site (if your TP1 form doesn’t state a specific BID).

Please make contact with our teams via the customer care email address, to report any play area damage refencing your site TG number.

If you feel an item of play equipment requires urgent attention due to a health and safety concern, please contact our emergency contact telephone on 0845 544 2924.

In the event of flooding, please ensure your local authority are updated where appropriate, the Environment Agency also have a 24/7 emergency helpline 0800 80 70 60. In a life-threatening flooding situation, please call 999.

Please also make contact with our teams via the customer care email address

If you feel flooding requires immediate action, please contact our emergency contact telephone on 0845 544 2924.

Claim your free wild flower seeds

As a Trustgreen Resident you easily can do your bit to support local wildlife by creating your own mini meadow. Claim your free wildflower seeds and create a beautiful buzz for all sorts of species!

Claim my seeds

Making payments

Your Annual Management Fee goes a long way to achieving enjoyable outdoor spaces by helping us to maintain, enhance and improve your neighbourhood. We offer a range of payment options to make it as convenient as possible.

Pay a bill
Community champion Emma Hills stood with children from the local community

Community stories

Residents are central to everything we do at Trustgreen. Over the years we’re proud to have hosted many wonderful community engagement projects which continue to have a long-lasting impact on the people who live within those communities.

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quote mark

We were greatly relieved to see the early improvements made by your landscape team and the conscientious manner in which they have maintained the area since.

Sandy – Hayfield

Thank you for acting so promptly in relation to my request. It’s good to see great customer service in this day and age.

Mark – Bolton