Key Features

Deer’s Rise and The Limes are two adjacent developments set in 200 acres of picturesque and idyllic grounds encompassing a combined 700 family homes. Large areas of open space are shared by the developments, which place a high priority on protecting the natural ecosystems. The site features include attenuation & balancing ponds, foot & cycle paths, boundary hedging, significant woodland habitat, NEAP and MUGA pitch.

Challenges & Solutions

The expansive open space includes the need for ecological conservation to provide a suitable environment for property owners along its various walkways, cycle tracks and bridle paths in addition to local tree and plant species and local wildlife. The management of the hydrology is also important with Suds area management and water quality testing to ensure the ponds remain suitable for many dependant species.

Next Steps

Advanced works have been undertaken on site to ensure that it incorporates all aspects of modern open space management and is inclusive of features that will best help the wildlife to thrive. A community engagement day has been organised for August 2023 which will help embed the area into the heart of the local community.

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As part of potential group approval process we have reached out to the BDW regions you are currently partnered with to gain their appraisal on Trustgreen. The feedback so far has been excellent, I wish all our supply chain received this level of positive feedback.
Gavin Thorne, Group Head of Infrastructure & Utilities
Barratt Homes
Sky View Of The Top Of Houses In A Local Community
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From Resident Funded Schemes to Private Transfer, Stewardships and Advanced Works we work across all areas of sustainable open space management. We responsibly manage numerous sites across England and Wales, bringing our unique approach, environmental expertise and dedicated customer care to a diverse range of habitats, developments and communities.

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