Forest School Adventure

Trustgreen partnered with Redrow to host a forest school session in Haig Woods for pupils from Hill Top Primary Academy, who regularly visit the location for their forest school sessions. Trustgreen are working with Redrow to preserve the woodland which runs through the centre of their Woodland Vale development – planting new trees and creating an open space for the enjoyment of the wider community.

The pupils had a real woodland adventure, taking part in a scavenger, wildlife and common tree leaf hunt, before painting their very own bird boxes, which they were able to take home.

Steve Jackson, sales director at Redrow Yorkshire said: “The team had a great day in the woodland with the children, who all got stuck in to all the tasks and I believe may have returned to school muddier than when they left!

“Thank you to Hill Top Priory Academy and the team at Trustgreen for helping us with this event and for taking care of Haig Woods. The team will also be helping us to manage swathes of open space around the development, including meadows with wildflower and grassland areas, pollinator friendly planting, a community orchard and play areas.”

Nature based forest school session

Richard Thomas, Group ESG Director said: “Trustgreen are proud of our approach to open space management which aims to help grow communities via education, awareness and interaction with the open spaces that are on their doorstep. The day was a great success with children completing a number of nature-based tasks and learning about seasonal changes in a woodland environment from our ecological experts. A wonderful day was had by all, and we are already looking forward to the next event.”

Rebecca Secker, Forest School Lead at Hill Top Primary Academy said: “Forest school is an important part of our curriculum and our children were delighted to take part in this event at Haig Woods. They are still talking about it now!”

Hill Top Primary Academy principal, Joanne Lancaster reiterated the support given by Redrow: “We are delighted that Redrow invited us to take part in this event, giving our pupils further opportunities to develop their learning in an outdoor setting. Thank you to Redrow for the continued opportunity to operate our forest school activities in Haig Woods.”

Redrow’s development will be built around four parcels of land, close to and surrounding Haigh Wood. New and existing footpaths will connect the homes to the woodland, open space and the surrounding residential areas.