Day One

Today I met with Charly, the children and family centre’s new parent champion. Charly is keen to support the families moving in and also lives in Lighthorne.
We discussed how we could work together and agreed that our overall aim is to support both families from Lighthorne Heath and Upper Lighthorne to feel more connected and support them to access their community.
While at the centre i had the opportunity to chat with a new resident who wanted to talk about becoming a parish councillorand i helped to promote a parent who has just started her own toddler classes.
Later in the day i was also able to check how many people were interested and booked on to the new “child minding information session” that i worked in partnership with Warickshire county council to bring to the community after recognising a local need.
In the afternoon I headed home to check my emails and promote the bowl for health session that wil be taking place on thursday. and lastly in the evening i met with a group of residents who are forming the residents association and made plans for next months when they will be adopting their constitution, policies and procedures. I really enjoyed this and thee local pub provided the setting on a dull but bright spring evening. it was even lovely enough to sit outside now summer is approaching fast!

Day Two

We started the day off with exploring our new wildflower planting area in the bowls club that has just come into bloom! Our bee friendly ground met to plan their second area and to make plans to enhance this space.
In other areas they have planted wild flowers and lots of bee friendly plants as well as making and installing some bug hotels.
This afternoon planned a meeting with the bowls club to discuss the safeguarding and inclusion plan that goes hand in hand with the promotion in the community. But before that i headed off to meet a group of parents at the school to help them with planning the schools summer fair.

Day Three

Today partnered with Barrat David Wilson homes the local scouts group played an evening of bowls, it was a great night and lots of new families to the area joined and had the opportunity to explore this wonderful hidden asset. The Avon Valley Bowls club is directly opposite the new housing development and the club is embracing the new communtity and opportunites it will bring.

Day Four

Today I visted the little library which was recently installed on the development to see how it is doing, this little library has been a great installation to the community and is being loved and used by many of the residents, contributing and swapping out their books. Later in the day I went down to the village hall to meet the social and nature group, the residents sat out to talk and we made our way to check out the new bug hotels and how the wildflower area is coming along. They also swapped seed and saplings that they have grown, repotted tomato plants and handed out courgettes.

Day Five

Today it was National Dawn Chorus day and I woke up at 5:15am! It takes me a less than a minute to walk from my front door to where the entrance of the nature reserve will be even with a full cup of tea that I am trying not to spill. The birds are already competing to be heard when i get there and my merlin bird ID app is away! In just 30 minutes we hear a range of calls and the most notable for me are the Skylark, Linnet, Black Cap and White Throat. The landscape was still and not a bird in site but Merlin recorded thee evidence not even my eyes could see (even with binoculars).
Later on in the day I headed to the village hall to support a lovely coffee and cake morning fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s society, it was wonderful to meet all the new residents at the coffee morning as well as to see some new faces,I also went around leaflet dropping today to promote the coffee morning which is funded by the UKSPF.

Day Six

Today I headed to the village hall garden to see how its coming along, on my way over i dropped off a food donation to the village hall share area.
The village hall garden is starting to come to life after our seed planting in April. So far we have tomatoes, strawberries, courgettes, lavender, mint and sage to name a few. Most of the veg on the window sills are destined for the allotments but we are planning to put some more flowers outside during the Bee celebrations on the 18th of May.
Lastly today was the parish council meeting, it was great to see so many people that i had encouraged to attend. the nature group also had the opportunity to ask for some funds for their green activities. The nature group also spent time today adding more to the bug hotel and have been planning activities to organise for the World Bee Day celebrations.
Community champion Emma Hills stood with children from the local community
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